Baby Looney Tunes Wiki

This is Baby Looney Tunes Wiki, where you can edit pages or post picture when ever! Baby Looney Tunes Wiki is a sight with loads of info from the former Cartoon Network show, Baby Looney Tunes. It aired from September 2, 2002 to April 20, 2005, having 2 seasons. The babies are: Bugs, Lola, Daffy, Melissa, Petunia, Taz, Tweety, Sylvester, Porky, Elmer, Sam, Gossamer, Michigan, Wile E., Road Runner, Foghorn, Puppy Barnyard, Pepe, Marvin, Puppy K-9, Instant Martians, Duck Dodgers and 2 others that never were on the series, Baby Gonzalez and Kitten Penelope.
